Wedding COVID-19

Booking your future wedding during COVID-19

Life right now is pretty crazy, isn’t it? Sometimes while I’m working away at my home office, I forget how bad it is out in the world. I forget that life is so very different then it was just a few months ago. Back when I was gearing up for an incredible wedding season. This year I had doubled my bookings and I was really excited about my busy wedding season. Then COVID-19 happened.


When COVID-19 Happened

My very first thoughts when all this happened went straight to my clients. Thinking of all of our couples that were likely freaking out, some only having weddings just weeks away. While many in the industry were holding off talking to their clients, as to not insight panic, I sent out an email right away.

I wanted to know if they were ok. To tell them that everything will be alright because I knew they were already panicking. I wanted them to know that we’re in this together and that I would help them in every way that I can to navigate this unprecedented situation. Every week from that moment on, I have continued to send them a weekly update email.

Sometimes it’s a funny story or a helpful blog. Sometimes its an update on policies based on current situations, some helpful information I’ve gotten from the wedding community, or just to say Hey! I’m still here.

You see, I believe in strong communication. It’s so important to keep that door open, especially in times like these. I have countless emails from my clients telling me how amazing my support has been and has made them feel way more at ease. To me, that means everything.

I’ve given my wedding clients a community


I also created a private Facebook group for all of the Loverly couples. All of my wedding clients are incredible humans who have very similar vibes. I wanted to create a community and a safe space for them. A place not only where I can share and provide support to them but also for them to connect with each other.

More than half of our weddings have moved to 2021


More than half of my clients have moved their weddings to next year. It’s been a hit to my business that’s for sure. But It was strong and healthy before COVID-19 and so I have been managing to make it through. Not to mention all the new bookings that have started to come in. It’s actually been relatively easy for me to navigate. I use an incredible Client Management System called Sprout Studio.

In this system, I have been able to create a Plan B calendar for my clients to cross-check my availability for whatever new dates they decide on with their venue. Then they can tentatively hold that date while we see what happens with COVID-19. It’s been a pretty seamless system that my clients have enjoyed.

So why should YOU plan your future wedding during COVID-19?


With all that said, I want to speak to you. The awesome couple who just got engaged either before, or over the last weeks of COVID-19. Please don’t be afraid to book your future wedding. It’s actually beneficial for you to start planning your wedding right now.

COVID-19 will not last forever

The Corona Virus will not last. This dark season in our lives will pass and we will move on from this bigger, better, and stronger. I want you to know that it’s ok to get excited and it’s more important now than ever to start making your plans and book some of your vendors.

Your vendors are now more equipped to handle this situation if in the future it happens again. We are all anticipating that the economy will begin to re-open in the coming weeks and months. COVID-19 has been an unprecedented situation for the economy. The vendors who survive it will come out of it with lessons learned and the tools and policies in place to serve their clients should it happen again. Before booking, ask your vendors what policies they have should we be hit with a second wave in 2021.

There is going to be less availability

With so many weddings now moving to 2021 dates are getting snatched up quickly. I’ve been encouraging my postponed clients to pick alternative days between Monday and Friday to make room for all of the new couples. Some have done this but many still need those prime Saturdays and Sundays. I think we’re going to see a trend of more weekday weddings moving forward. You often get discounts for these alternative days and you don’t have to compete for your ideal venue or vendors as much.

The costs are going to go way up next year

Another reason to book sooner rather than later is the costs. Many wedding vendors have been hit hard financially by COVID-19. Every year the majority of vendors raise their rates based on inflation and demand. Towards the end of 2020 when rates are usually raised for future bookings you are likely going to see a much higher inflation amount. This will be to account for vendors lost revenue in 2020 and the impending recession. They do this so that they can keep serving you in the best way possible.

You can take advantage of special deals or payment terms right now

Lastly, right now, many vendors like myself are offering lowered deposit requirements and alternative payment terms since we understand that you may also have been hit by these hard times. Make sure when booking that you ask your vendors if they are offering anything like that.

You might have more time right now

Congratulations on your engagement! I hope you take some time right now to enjoy this moment. If you’re currently working from home or laid off, you may have more time right now to do all of your research and put your plan together. Your wedding will be amazing whenever it is and I’m so incredibly happy for you both!

If you want to chat more with me about your future wedding click HERE!

For more tips on planning your wedding, also check out:



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